Cloud Solutions Services

orianatech-solutions Technologies Cloud seOrianatech-Solutions Technologies' cloud services assist companies in improving customer experiences, speeding up business results, and developing future-ready abilities. Cloud computing is transforming the interaction between businesses and users with computers and mobile devices. In the past, there were costly data centers, large arrays of disk drives, and extensive IT support teams. Nowadays, software applications are provided via the cloud, including databases and virtualized server and desktop environments.

3 services offered by cloud computing for businesses

  • Cloud Storage Solutions

    Securely store and manage your business data with scalable cloud storage, ensuring easy access and data backup.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

    This service provides business access to raw computing resources such as processing power and networking.

  • Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS):

    Protect your business from data loss and downtime with cloud-based disaster recovery solutions, offering rapid recovery and minimal disruption.

Our Offerings:

  • Cloud Strategy Consulting

    Our Cloud Strategy Consulting services are crafted to guide our clients through their cloud adoption journey, developing a migration plan, and offering ongoing managed services.

  • Cloud Architecture & Implementation

    Our cloud experts design, develop, and implement solutions tailored to meet your business requirements.

  • Cloud Optimization Services

    Our Cloud Optimization Services assist clients in building and managing their cloud environments efficiently, enhancing their business operations in the cloud swiftly and effectively.

  • Cloud Transformation Service

    Our Cloud Transformation Services provide assistance with building and running the cloud environment. Our Service transform the client's business to the cloud and helped them to be there better and faster.

  • Cloud Migration Service

    We analyze the client's IT infrastructure, workloads and identify the right set of AWS systems for them. We move their application and then perform migration validation.