Hire Angular Developer

OrianaTechSolution Private Limited is seeking a skilled Angular Developer to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in building modern web applications using Angular, a keen eye for detail, and a passion for creating intuitive user interfaces. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining web applications, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and ensuring high performance and responsiveness of applications. If you are innovative, have a problem-solving mindset, and are eager to contribute to a growing tech company, we want to hear from you.

Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain Angular-based web applications. Collaborate with designers, product managers, and other developers to create high-quality software. Ensure application performance, responsiveness, and scalability. Troubleshoot and debug applications. Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.

Why Hire angular developer from OrianaTech Solutions Private Limited

  • Expertise and Experience

  • Custom Solutions

  • Cutting-Edge Technologies

  • SEO-Friendly Development

  • Responsive Design

  • Performance Optimization

  • Security

  • Comprehensive Support

  • Agile Methodology

  • Competitive Pricing

  • 24/7 support and maintenance

  • Post-Development Support

  • Drive active traffic to your website or store

  • Competitive Pricing & Client-Centric Approach

Our team of developers is well-versed with the following cutting-edge technologies, which are essential for building high-level Angular applications:

  • Angular CLI - For efficient scaffolding, development, and maintenance of Angular applications.

  • TypeScript - To ensure robust and maintainable code with static typing.

  • RxJS - For powerful reactive programming and managing asynchronous data streams.

  • NgRx - For managing complex state in Angular applications using reactive principles.

  • Angular Material - To implement responsive and accessible design components.

  • PrimeNG - For a rich set of UI components tailored for Angular applications.

  • Angular Universal - For server-side rendering to improve performance and SEO.

  • Jasmine & Karma - For unit testing to ensure code reliability and quality.

  • Protractor - For end-to-end testing of Angular applications.

  • RESTful APIs - For seamless integration and communication between client and server.

  • GraphQL - To optimize data fetching and improve API performance.

  • Webpack - For module bundling and optimizing asset delivery.

  • Sass/SCSS - For writing maintainable and scalable CSS.

  • Bootstrap - To create responsive and mobile-first web designs.

  • Tailwind CSS - For utility-first CSS framework to rapidly build custom designs.

  • Docker - To ensure consistent development and production environments.

  • Kubernetes - For orchestrating containerized applications and scaling Angular deployments.

  • Jenkins - For continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

  • SonarQube - For continuous inspection of code quality.

  • AWS/GCP/Azure - For scalable and secure cloud infrastructure.

  • Firebase - For real-time databases, authentication, and hosting services.

  • JIRA - For agile project management and issue tracking.